This week's feature is the CSL export, which was added with release 2.0.25. CSL stands for Citation Style Language, which Wikipedia describes as an "open XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations and bibliographies". Basically you can think of it as a similar system to BibTeX - it definies a standard for representing bibliographic references, and another one for writing "templates", which transform those references into nicely formatted output. This standard is currently used by a number of platforms, including Zotero, Mendeley and Papers. Probably the nicest thing hereby is that there are quite large style repositories like, which offer more than 2000 pre-defined styles for different user needs.
In order to allow you to make use of such great style collections, we're offering a new export format - you can retrieve you posts in a JSON-format, which is understood by current CSL processors. In other words, we're providing the input for you, such that you can just choose one of the existing CSL styles (or create a custom one) and create nicely formatted references according to your needs.
All you have to do is to append ?format=csl to any BibSonomy URL, and you'll see your post(s) in the corresponding format - below is an example, produced by the URL You'll surely recognize that it's a similar key-value representation compared to e.g. BibTeX. We hope this makes BibSonomy more versatile and useful for you particular purposes!
Happy Tagging,
{ "603161eb4c5b2f87f3d3a50f87015337dbenz": { "DOI": "", "ISBN": "", "URL": "", "abstract": "", "author": [ { "family": "Strohmaier", "given": "Markus" }, { "family": "Helic", "given": "Denis" }, { "family": "Benz", "given": "Dominik" }, { "family": "Körner", "given": "Christian" }, { "family": "Kern", "given": "Roman" } ], "citation-label": "strohmaier2011evaluation", "collection-title": "", "container-title": "", "editor": [ ], "event-place": "", "id": "603161eb4c5b2f87f3d3a50f87015337dbenz", "issued": { "date-parts": [ ], "literal": "2012" }, "note": "", "page": "", "publisher": "", "title": "Evaluation of Folksonomy Induction Algorithms", "volume": "" } }