BibLaTeX is an extension for BibTeX, which provides some nice functionality. It is e.g. now possible to just add the following two lines to the LaTeX project header to not having to bother with ever-different keys and inconsistent bibliographies:
Later on, the bibliography can be printed by just typing\usepackage[backend=biber]{biblatex} \addbibresource[location=remote] {}
Now every time the PDF file is compiled, the list of publications in BibSonomy with the tag "myown" from the user "thoni" will be downloaded. This is especially useful when adding new papers to the BibSonomy collection while working at the "Related Work" section or similar.\printbibliography
While this is only a very basic example of how BibLaTeX and BibSonomy integration could work, there are many possibilities to extend this, e.g. by further restricting the \printbibliography command with tag selection or printing the bibliography several times from just one source. A more exhaustive introduction to BibLaTeX can be found at the corresponding ShareLaTeX page.
Happy tagging (and easier writing ;) )