Friday, February 22, 2013

Feature of the Week: PUMA II

We are happy to announce that we could attract a followup funding for the very successful PUMA project. PUMA is a clone of BibSonomy, meant for local installations of universities, libraries or research institutes. It allows like BibSonomy to collect and share bookmarks and publications. It has additional features like an guided export to an institutinal repository or an integration into the OPAC system of the library.
As you may already know PUMA builds on top of the BibSonomy technology and most of the developments made within PUMA II will be available as new BibSonomy features. The project started at the beginning of February and will run one year with an option for a second year. For PUMA II, the DMIR from the university of Würzburg group joined the team consisting otherwise of the KDE group and the library the University of Kassel.

One major goal of the project is to establish a community around PUMA. To reach this we aim for other institutions which will host the PUMA system like the library at our university. Further, we will work on a lot of new features. Here a short list which provides an overview:
  • community entries for publications with wiki like versioning and audited entries,
  • better integration into third party systems like moodle and typo3 (new or improved plugins),
  • single sign on and Shibboleth authorization,
  • improved frontend and better support pages,
  • better open social support,
  • the integration of ping back and
  • a new concept to improve the functionality for groups.
Beside all these features we are working on a business plan to support other institutions running a PUMA system. Please contact us if you are interested.

In the near future we will report progress of the project and of course all details on the new features.

Happy tagging

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