We are still improving the integration of the
Digital Object Identifier System (DOI), which tackles the problem of referencing, among others, digitally published scientific publications. As already described in a
previous post, you can store a reference to such a publication by selecting its DOI with your mouse somewhere on some web page and applying one of our
bookmarklets "
post bookmark" or "
post publication":

You can, of course, also enter a DOI in the post publication dialog or by providing accordingly formatted BibTeX fields as described a an other
blog post. Publication references in BibSonomy containing DOIs can be easily identified in every resource list, as the corresponding entries contain a direct link to the referenced resource:

With our
last release, we additionally added the DOI link to the details page of each publication containing a digital object identifier, allowing to easily navigate to a resource of interest:

Stay tuned to learn more about new features and background information - Happy Tagging!