Friday, July 2, 2010

New Release: BibSonomy 2.0.7

We are still on track with our monthly release cycle. Two days ago we released BibSonomy's version 2.0.7. Since then we accurately looked at our log files to spot potential bugs as soon as possible. This release of BibSonomy mainly consists of internal code cleanup and restructuring as preparatory work for pending new features. Additionally we addressed some minor bug fixes. Nevertheless you will notice some improvements:
  • On your user settings page you can configure for most resource lists (e.g., in search results) which resource types (bookmarks and/or publications) should be displayed.
  • Also on your user settings page you can hide certain advanced features, which are relevant only to BibSonomy's power users.
  • Your exported BibTeX-snippets now contain a field which indicates the date you posted the corresponding entry to BibSonomy.
  • Most tag related pages (e.g., user-tag pages) contain on the sidebar's beginning references to corresponding tag or concept pages which now also contain counts for the correspondingly matching posts.
Apart from that, we've updated our Maven repository with the latest version of our open-source libraries. We're always happy to see other people using BibSonomy features! As usual, if you encounter any strange behaviours or errors, we are grateful for a little email notice, and we'll do our best to fix the issues. In any case have fun with the new release and stay tuned to our next release planned for July 28th!


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