Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Feature of the week: 2009 in review

2009 brought many improvements and new features for BibSonomy but also interesting research activities. We briefly review this year before next week's post gives an outlook on 2010.
Tag Recommendations
As part of the ECML PKDD 2009 conference we organized the Discovery Challenge, where the participants could test their tag recommendation methods on a BibSonomy dataset. A particularly interesting part of the challenge was the online evaluation which allowed the researchers to evaluate their approaches in the running system and actually show their recommendations to our users. The underlying infrastructure was provided by our new tag recommendation framework which proved to be very useful. It allowed us to distribute the tag recommendation work over several machines located all over the world. E.g., the winner's recommender was running in Canada.
Research Projects
Two new projects centered around BibSonomy started this year: PUMA, which will improve academic publication management in cooperation with the University Library Kassel, and Info 2.0 (in German), which investigates chances and risks of the Web 2.0 with respect to informational self-determination in cooperation with the Institute for Public Law.
We released three new plugins which better integrate BibSonomy with other tools. The JabRef plugin allows you to synchronize your publication references with the bibliography manager JabRef and the Typo3 extension integrates publication lists from BibSonomy into the content management system Typo3. Just released two weeks ago and ready for testing is the new Firefox add-on which better integrates BibSonomy into the Firefox web browser. We will introduce this add-on in one of the next FOTWs.
You now see similar users in your sidebar on which you can click to surf their posts in a personalized ranking. Furthermore, you can follow users you find interesting to stay tuned on what they post.
Dumps of the Dataset
Since quite some time we offer a dataset of the BibSonomy database in form of an SQL dump for research purposes to interested people. A web page now describes the available dumps and how to get one. Newly, the dumps also contain the users' tag relations.
In an ongoing effort to open the BibSonomy source code to the public, we released some of the core modules in a public Maven repository. E.g., now you have access to our screen scrapers, which allow you to extract publication metadata from more than 60 digital libraries. Most modules have a GPL or LGPL license.

Next week we will present our current activities and discuss the plans for 2010.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Feature of the Week: New version of JabRef-plugin released!

As you will have noticed, we are maintaining a plugin for the open-source bibliography manager JabRef, which allows to easily download and upload entries from BibSonomy. We believe that this approach nicely combines the advantages of maintaining a local BibTeX-file with the comfort and usefulness of a centralized publication sharing platform like BibSonomy.

We have just now released a new version of this plugin, which offers some nice features to ease the maintenance of both collections (local + within BibSonomy)! Check it out:

  • Added document management: In JabRef and within BibSonomy, it is possible to attach a private copy (PDF, PS, ...) to a publication entry. The new version of our plugin allows to download all your private documents present in BibSonomy by a single click (first image). Furthermore, you can control in the settings menu that local documents are automatically uploaded to BibSonomy when you storethe publication (second image).

  • Automatic Synchronization: A typical problem is to keep both collections (your local .bib file and your BibSonomy account) synchronized. We are proud to offer a comfortable feature to automatically perform this task (third image on the right). This feature automatically checks for entries present in both collections if they are equal; if there is a difference, you can decide which version to keep. A 'diff-like' view helps you to see what has changed (4th image on the right).

  • Full-text search: In prior versions, it was only possible to retrieve posts from BibSonomy by tag. Now you can also perform a full-text search in your personal or in the global collection.
  • Further small additions & bugfixes: Apart from the above-mentioned new features, we improved the interface, fixed some bugs, and generally made the plugin more stable and better :)
You can download the latest version of the plugin here: The updated documentation can be accessed via We hope this new release helps you to be more efficient in your personal and shared publication managent - we are as usual always happy about feedback, comments, suggestions!!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Main Server Crashed

Today we had a crash of our main machine. It took us 1 hour to restart everything as it was late and no one was in the office. This was the reason BibSonomy was not available. Unfortunately this is the third time within 4 weeks that the machine crashed. We are now searching for the reason but currently we have no clue as we did not observe any special situation. It seem to be some strange hardware defect. Lets cross the finger that we can figure out the problem soon.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Release

Those of you which have recently tried to delete a post probably have noticed a small but helpful change: a dialog box is now asking you for confirmation. If you accidentally clicked on the "delete" link, you have now the chance to stop the process. If you don't like this feature: just disable it on the settings page and you get back the old behaviour.

This is just one of the changes the new release contains but obviously the most noticeable one. Furthermore, we updated the code to import bookmarks from Delicious and Firefox, to upload JabRef layouts and to pick/unpick posts for the basket. Several smaller bugfixes also made it into the release.

As always a small sidenote: although we tested the code, it might contain bugs we did not find. So if you think you've found an error, don't hesitate to contact us!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tagging for Championship

As a social bookmarking system, assigning tags to resources is one of BibSonomy's most important and frequent processes. Since a while, the user is assisted by a set of recommended tags as shown in Figure 1.

The Challenge

Recommender systems are subject to active research and different approaches emerged. In the context of this year's ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge, BibSonomy's tag recommendations were provided by 14 different recommender systems from 10 different research teams in 7 different countries during the last five weeks. The challenge consisted of three tasks where the first two tasks were dealing with fixed datasets obtained from BibSonomy, while the third task's subject was to provide tag recommendations to the user in the running system.

Yesterday, during the ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge Workshop, the challenge's participants presented their recommender systems and discussed the different approaches, still ignorant of the third task's winning team, which finally was announced in the evening during the conference's opening session.

Rating the Systems

Algorithms for tag recommendations are typically evaluated by computing some performance measure in an "off-line" setting, that is, by iterating over posts in a dataset, which was derived from a social bookmarking system, presenting only a user and a resource to the recommender system. Thus, for each post, the set of suggested tags can be compared with those the user had assigned. Participants in Task 1 and Task 2 were evaluated in such a setting.

But these "off-line" settings not only ignore some constraints in real live applications (e.g. cpu usage and memory consumption), they also can't take into account the effect of presenting a set of recommended tags to the user. To evaluate these effects, we set up Task 3, were recommender systems were integrated into BibSonomy and the recommender systems had to deliver their tag recommendations within a timeout of 1000 ms.

For evaluating the different recommender systems (in the off-line settings as well as Task 3), we calculated precision and recall for each system. While precision measures, how many recommended tags where adequate, recall takes into account, how many of the tags the user actually assigned to the resource where recommended.

Figure 2 shows the final results of the on-line challenge (which is available here). For each recommender system, we calculated precision and recall, considering only the first n tags (for n=1,2,..., 5) and averaged over all posts. The top blue graph for example shows, that from the corresponding recommender system's five recommended tags (the very right point) around 18% were chosen by the user (precision 0.18) and around 23% of the tags which the user finally assigned to the resource were "predicted" by the recommender.

The winning teams are:
  • Task 1: Marek Lipczak, Yeming Hu, Yael Kollet, and Evangelos Milios (Paper)
  • Task 2: Steffen Rendle and Lars Schmidt-Thieme (Paper)
  • Task 3: Marek Lipczak, Yeming Hu, Yael Kollet, and Evangelos Milios (Paper)

We are happy to say, that it was an interesting challenge which gave substantial insight into the performance of different approaches to the task of tag recommendation. We'd like to thank everybody who contributed to this challenge - last but not least each of BibSonomy's users.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

PUMA - Project on Academic Publication Management started on August 1st

BibSonomy technology will be used in a project that fosters the open access movement and a better support of the researchers publications work. The project "PUMA - Academic Publication Management" is funded by the German Research Foundation DFG and has been started on August 1st, 2009. PUMA is a joint project of the University Library and the Knowledge & Data Engineering Group of the University of Kassel.

Open access is a publication model that allows authors to publish their articles free of charge, and users to freely access them. The costs are borne by the institution that is providing the institutional repository. There are several reasons for this publication model. With reduced budgets and increased costs for journals, many university libraries cannot afford the subscription of all relevant journals any longer. Furthermore, open access supports a timely publication and broader visibility of articles so that research results can be taken up earlier and by more researchers, decreasing thus the turn around time of scientific results.

Even though many researchers support the open access movement in principle, they often do not contribute their publications to the institutional repository of their university. Key reasons are that they do not see an immediate benefit from this additional effort, and that the upload is not integrated in their usual work flow. PUMA aims therefore for an integrated solution, where the upload of a publication results automatically in an update of both the personal and institutional homepage, the creation of an entry in BibSonomy, an entry in the academic reporting system of the university, and its publication in the institutional repository. At the time of upload, meta data from several data sources (SHERPA/RoMEO list, online library catalogue, BibSonomy) will be collected automatically in order to support the user. Further, PUMA aims to provide a publication management platform for all researchers and students to be used on a daily basis, which reduces not only the open access publication effort but also the effort to manage one's own publications.

The PUMA platform will be based on BibSonomy technology and will be hosted by the University Library; it will be setup in a Web 2.0 style. The platform will include all features known from BibSonomy, like tagging of publications, easy usage, an API and scalability. BibSonomy will continue to be run by the Knowledge & Data Engineering Group. As a showcase, PUMA will be integrated with the open access repository platform DSpace, the libary system PICA, the Typo3 content management system, and BibSonomy. The system is open for adaption to other standard systems. The project results will be published as open source software. This implies that the complete BibSonomy source code will become available under an open source licence at the end of the project.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Feature of the week: Stay tuned to interesting content by following interesting users

A good starting point when searching for interesting resources in BibSonomy are other users with similar interests. In a prior post, we showed how BibSonomy can help you to discover these similar users. We're now happy to announce a new feature which makes it easy for you to keep track of interesting resources of these people - you can now just follow them!

The basic idea is like this: Once you stumble upon a user who seems to be interesting, you can use the follow-link on his user page to add him to your list of followed users. Think of this list as a buddy list of people with similar interests as you have. Here are two examples where you can find this link (on the user page and on the personalized user page):

On the followers page, you find then a list of all users you are following (and all users following you :) ). This page summarizes all recent posts of all users you are following, ranked personally for you. So the most relevant posts to you are shown at the top of the resource lists (we compute relevancy based on the tags you use). Here is what this page looks like:
You can also add and remove users from your list of followed users on this page. In addition, you can change some settings of the applied ranking algorithm and see which method is best in finding the most relevant posts for you.

Feel free to play around with this feature - we hope it can help you to "dig" through the resources of users with similar interests and finally find some pretty cool and relevant stuff for you!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Feature of the week: "relevant for"

Usually we try to write a FOW every week but the last one is three weeks old. We are currently very busy since there are several things going on. Besides the ongoing work to improve BibSonomy (fixing bugs and implementing new features) we are also actively working on new research results. Further, the deadline for this year's ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge is approaching and we need to prepare some things for that. E.g., we were able to get very nice prices. The challenge is still runing... But this are only side remarks.

Back to this week's FOW: With the March 2009 release we introduced a new group feature called "relevant for", with which group members can particularly flag posts. Why do we need this new group feature? The implementation of our group system follows two main ideas. On the one hand, it is designed to provide access rights, which means that users can restrict the access of a post to the members of a certain group (only group members can then see this post). On the other hand, it is a system to collect posts of group members which allows for aggregation. Due to a lot of support requests we realized that this kind of combination is not very
intuitive. So we searched for a way to maintain both parts but separate them and make the whole system easier to use. The "relevant for" feature is our solution to overcome this problem. The corresponding page is intended to support groups -- especially research groups -- by collecting bookmarks and publication with a special topic. As it is possible to choose more than one group a post is relevant for, posts can be dedicated to more than one group.

Let me explain how it works. The way we implemented this feature is as a system tag. What does this mean? On the bottom right hand side of the posting dialog you find a form called "relevant for" which contains a list of all of your groups. You can choose one or more group you think the post is relevant for. If done so, the post is annotated with special tags "sys:relevantfor:groupname" for each group and these tags are stored as usual tags and can also be changed by the user. We are working on a mechanism to hide these system tags from the usual website and tag clouds but currently this feature is not yet finished. To make the system tag useful, we implemented a special page "/relevantfor/group/groupname" which shows a collection of all posts tagged with the corresponding system tag for this group. This feature is
independent from the access rights of groups. As long as the user has the rights to see the post he will see the post on the corresponding pages.

To summarize it: groups are no longer only for access rights but also topical groups and if someone is interested to open such a group, we suggest to just register an account, send us a an email, and we will turn the account into a group and you can work with it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Features released: Similar users + Personalization

Today we've performed a release of BibSonomy, containing some new interesting features you might find helpful! The first one addresses the common problem of finding other BibSonomy users with similar interests as oneself; they might be a great source for interesting content like recent publications or up-to-date bookmarks. On your personal user page (i.e. in the "MyBibSonomy" area), you'll find in the sidebar a new list with "similar users":
We've computed these using several similarity measures - when you click on "more", you can check which one is best for you. When you click on one of the user names, you'll be directed to a personalized page which looks like this:
The main idea behind this personalization is to help you finding the interesting content of this user for you; we're comuting a personalized ranking which sorts this user's posts according to your interests. The tag cloud shows this user's tags, which are probably interesting for you.

This personalization feature is also available when you browse in the "usual way" on a user page - there we provide a "personalize"-Link at the top:
Besides that, this release contains a number of small fixes & improvements - if you happen to encounter any irregularity, we'd be happy to hear from you so that we can fix the problem. Besides that - feel invited to play around with our new features and get the most out of BibSonomy!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Typo3 Extension for BibSonomy available

Typo3 is a popular open-source content management system, used by a large number of private and corporate websites. It offfers among others a generic extension architecture, which enables developers to add custom functionality to Typo3-based websites.

For many websites in academic contexts (e.g. personal homepages of researchers, universities, research projects, ...), an important building block is an up-to-date publication list. Maintaining these lists manually is a tedious task; in order to ease this process, we have developed a versatile BibSonomy Typo3 Extension! The core concept is to keep all references cleanly stored inside BibSonomy (leveraging all useful BibSonomy features like import from different formats, scraping services, ...) and to generate automatically a publication list from this data. Have a look here what it can look like:
In order to set up such a nice publication list with the BibSonomy Typo3 plugin, you need to follow these simple steps:
  1. Store the relevant publications in BibSonomy
  2. Install the BibSonomy Typo3-Plugin in your Typo3 installation (Download it from here)
  3. Configure the plugin (e.g. select which entries to display, select the layout, ...)
  4. You're done! :)
For each of these steps we have written an extensive online documentation. Our plugin is already part of the official Typo3 installation of the University of Kassel! We offer a number of predefined standard layouts (Harvard, DIN1505...) for formatting the publication lists; in addition, it is possible to use customized layouts based on a JabRef Layout Filter.

Apart from publication lists, the plugin is also able to display tag clouds which can be embedded into websites to visualize e.g. research interests of a group or an individual. We hope that this plugin is another step towards making BibSonomy more useful for you in the process of managing bibliographic data in an integrated and unified way. The BibSonomy team is of course also open to comments and suggestions!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

FOW: Publication details

Before leaving for a bycicle trip along the Weser river :-), I'd like to point your attention to a recent change in the presentation of a user's publication details.

Different features were included to make the metadata more representable. At the page's beginning, users can select different citation formats (e.g. Harvard, DIN1505) to represent the reference.

The next sections have only slightly changed. You can enter a link to the publication's provider, or upload a private copy of the document in question in the Resources section. The Abstract and Private Note section allow you to store informational and personal information. Finally, metadata can be changed or enhanced in the BibTex and Endnote record fields.

The sidebar gives the option to edit your tags. Additionally, tags that have been associated with this publication are shown. Those tags, that have been added by yourself, are underlined. To find out who else is interested in this publication, have a look at the related users.

If you wish to include a specific citation style, miss an important feature related to your publication metadata or have a brilliant idea how to further organise this page,
please contact us.

Happy easter!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Feature of the Week: New Color Scheme

As users keep complaining about BibSonomy's choice of color, we decided to switch to our new neutral color theme.

Using statistics, datamining techniques and linear optimization, we determined a set of colors which minimizes the number of mails concerning BibSonomy's design. The resulting color set is dominated by a pleasing grey, which should fit everybody's needs.

Due to acquired habits, we continue to call BibSonomy the 'blue social bookmark and publication sharing system'.


Friday, March 27, 2009

FOW: You better save this as publication...

Since Andreas' blog post you already know BibSonomy's scraping service which enables BibSonomy to automatically extract publication meta data from some websites.

For some time past this service also checks whether a user posts a bookmark pointing to a scrapable site, in which case the user is given an according hint:
We now extended this feature such that text, selected by the user prior hitting the 'postBookmark' button, is also checked. Thus, if you select BibTeX and press "postBookmark" or a DOI it might happen, that you get a notice, that you better save this as publication and not as bookmark.

You might try it out yourself right now by selecting one of these text snippets and pressing "postBookmark":
  • 10.1007/978-3-540-73681-3_21
  • ISBN-13: 978-0201485417

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Last year in November we were contacted by Mounir Errami, the project leader of MireSoft. He suggested a partnership with us. MireSoft has a product called CiteSmart, which is a citation software. It nicely integrates with Word and builds a bridge between web-based tools like BibSonomy or Connotea. It is easing the way to takeover the data from web application and it is able to produces references in various formats for articles written in Word. In this way, it allows to easily write scientific articles and supports the scientific work of researchers. Here is a screenshot:

We support this partnership as we think that BibSonomy needs to be connected with as many tools as possible. This broadens its community and makes BibSonomy more valuable for its users. To conclude: If you are using BibSonomy and you are searching for an easy way to work with Word, then we can definitely recommend CiteSmart.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Release

We've just released a new version of BibSonomy which fixes several bugs and introduces new features.

A short overview on the fixed bugs:
  • The restriction to a certain user or certain years on author pages was broken, i.e., /publ/author/Jäschke/sys:year:2008+sys:user:jaeschke delivered no results. This works again, now.
    Please note that to get the page sorted by year you will need to add an additional parameter "sortPage=year" and if you want to have the latest articles on top additionally the parameter "sortPageOrder=desc". This is a new feature which allows to sort the posts on a page on (almost) any BibTeX fields. You can even combine fields using "|" as delimiter, such that posts having the same year are sorted by author name.
  • The BibTeX field "abstract" was exported as "bibtexAbstract" in some cases. This caused some tools which use this field to break. Now the abstract is again contained in the field "abstract". Note: in the API XML this field is still named "bibtexAbstract". We will see how we can fix this in the future (though it's not really a bug there).

New features include:

Some of the changes improve working with BibSonomy a lot and we will continue to transfer pages to the new backend. If you have found bugs or suggestions regarding the new pages, please let us know!
We will introduce the new features in more detail with the upcoming features of the week.

Friday, March 13, 2009

FOW: Fighting against the memory leak

Todays feature of the week is a bit more technical. As you might know BibSonomy is based on a MySQL/Tomcat architecture. Usually BibSonomy is running very stable but from time to time the Java virtual machine stops with an "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error. This mostly happens after a redeploy of the BibSonomy project on the Tomcat. Why does this happens? The simple answer is: Because the Java VM does not have enough memory for the so called permanent generation space. This space is used to hold the Java classes in main memory. A simple solution is to give the JVM more PermGen space. But this does not solve the underlying problem. Usually the JVM has enough PermGen space. The only result from giving more memory is: the error will happen a bit later and not directly after the redeploy.

So we decided to search for the cause of the memory leak. Soon we found out, that there were some classes from the web application which the classloader could not remove from the PermGen space because they were "linked" to classes which were loaded by the standard classloader. There could be several causes for that and using the right tools (jmap and jhat from the JDK) plus some small programm to find reference chains we found the culprits:

* MySQL Connector/J (see
* iBatis (see
* JabRef
* Tomcat (see
* and some we could fix by just moving some JARs to the right places (see also here and here).

Identifying the subjects was an iterative task - fixing one leak caused appearing the next one ... We did not know that there were so many candidates at the beginning. We could fix iBatis by switching to a newer version, MySQL, JabRef and Tomcat were a little harder to fix.
For JabRef we had to modify the source code such that it does not start AWT. Additionally, a Tomcat LifecycleListener kills the java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences after webapp shutdown using awful Java introspection hacks:

final Class clazz = CleanupListener.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences");
final Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField("syncTimer");
final Timer timer = (Timer) f.get(null);

To fix the MySQL bug, the listener ensures on the startup of the web application that the MySQL connection class is loaded before the web app and by the standard classloader, such that the cancellation timer threads (which is the cause of the leak) don't block unloading of the webapp. The loggers from the StandardContext in Tomcat (which are loaded via the webapps classloader - for whatever reason) are also killed by the listener.

After several weeks of work we have a leak free application. The bad thing is that every library we are using can bring back a leak and if we are not careful the leak will be back quicker as we like. Unfortunately we are not aware of a method which we could put into the Tomcat or into our application which just checks for memory leaks.

Hope you found this interesting and good luck with your own applications ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New BibSonomy release online

In this blog, we usually announce new features of BibSonomy, as we're working steadily on improving our service. Some improvements are more visible, others not so much - e.g. when we optimize things in the code or server infrastructure. The latter is what we have been concerned with in the last weeks - we've continued to migrate old parts of the code into our new web application framework, fixed bugs, refactored some parts of the code, and so on.

Yesterday (Monday, 23rd of Feb 2009) we've released a major part of these "background improvements" - in the optimal case, you actually shouldn't notice a lot of it (except that our service has become faster and more reliable). But as we as developers usually become a bit "system-blind", we'd be grateful for any kind of feedback in case you encounter anomalies or irregularities during your daily work with

More specifically, the following pages / functionalities were touched during the release:
In any case we hope to have made better the service for you - and thanks in advance for any kind of feedback! Best regards,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Feature of the week: BibSonomy-Plugin for JabRef released!

JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager, based (like BibSonomy) on the BibTeX-format. Starting with version 2.4b1, JabRef can be extended using a plugin system based on the Java Plugin Framework (JPF). We have been asked many times how the advantages of a local client like JabRef and a web-based platform like BibSonomy could be combined - now we think we found a nice solution: We built a BibSonomy-Plugin for JabRef!

This plugin enables you to
  • fetch publication entries directly from BibSonomy,
  • upload publications into your personal account at BibSonomy and
  • delete entries from your collection.
All of the above integrates seamlessly into the usual workflow of JabRef - this means you don't have to visit the BibSonomy webinterface during the whole process. In order to use plugin, you need of course a BibSonomy account. Once you have that, you can follow these simple steps to experience the synergies of JabRef and BibSonomy:
  1. Download JabRef:
  2. Download our BibSonomy-Plugin;
  3. Put the Plugin jar-file into a sub-folder called plugins in your JabRef installation directory
  4. Start JabRef and you can start working with the Plugin!
We've also created an extensive documentation of the plugin, along with a detailed description of each of its functionalities and the setup steps.

Please note: Right after releasing our API, we also presented a prototype of a customized JabRef-Client which allowed up- and downloading of entries (see e.g. this post). With the release of the plugin described above, we stop the further development of this customized client. If you are using it, we highly recommend to migrate to a newer JabRef version, combined with our plugin - it contains bugfixes and improved functionality. You will like it :)

We hope this plugin enables you to get the most out of BibSonomy and JabRef - some example tasks which are now easy are:
  1. Download your complete BibSonomy collection into JabRef, use its built-in bibtex-key generator to unify the bibtex keys of your publicatons, and upload all entries again
  2. Download your complete BibSonomy collection into JabRef and perform integrity checks on it (missing fields,...), and upload all entries again
  3. Use JabRef's web search facility to import entries (e.g, from PubMed), edit them locally to your needs, and bulk-upload them to BibSonomy
  4. ...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feature Summary of the Week

If you have trouble overseeing the large list of features that were
implemented in BibSonomy recently, have a look at the Semantic Web Blog. It summarizes nicely our last activities. Have fun!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feature of the week: Zotero and BibSonomy integration

Zotero helps you to collect, manage and cite publications. In contrast to BibSonomy, Zotero is a Firefox extension, which can be used in one's web browser. Since the last release of BibSonomy, we support exporting citation information from BibSonomy to Zotero.

When Zotero senses items on a web page, it adds an icon in the Firefox's location bar. A user can click on the icon and Zotero saves the reference information in one of the user's libraries. BibSonomy now offers the icon for Zotero users. The icon is shown on pages with BibTeX entries.

By clicking on this icon, a pop up allows you to select the entries you want to export. Click OK and the selected references will appear in your Zotero library.

The other way around is not fully automized yet. However, there is a nice blog entry which shows how to easily copy and paste Zotero data into a BibSonomy "postPublication" snippet.

Translated from this tutorial: Navigate to Zotero's settings-tabs and select the export tab. Push the plus button below the "Site Specific Settings" area to add a new setting. In the new pop up, enter "" and select "BibTeX" as output format. You can confirm your new entry by clicking on OK.

When you log in to BibSonomy and click on "postPublication", you can drag and drop a Zotero entry into the box below "Insert your publication snippet here". Enter save and the BibTex entry will be displayed in the appropriate fields.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Feature of the week: maven repository

First, to all of our users a happy new year 2009!

This year will bring us new projects centered around BibSonomy and we hope to make the system much more useable. Today we're opening a part of the BibSonomy source code, so it's a post for all developers interested in BibSonomy.

A public maven repository is available on - our new developer page. Currently, the following modules are available:

All code is released under GPL or even LGPL licenses. We will soon provide updates on a regular basis. For bug reports we suggest to use the issue tracker at our collaborative development environment.

We would be very pleased to get some feedback and hope to stimulate some further external development around BibSonomy. Have fun playing around with the code and let us know what you've done with it.