Friday, March 20, 2009

New Release

We've just released a new version of BibSonomy which fixes several bugs and introduces new features.

A short overview on the fixed bugs:
  • The restriction to a certain user or certain years on author pages was broken, i.e., /publ/author/Jäschke/sys:year:2008+sys:user:jaeschke delivered no results. This works again, now.
    Please note that to get the page sorted by year you will need to add an additional parameter "sortPage=year" and if you want to have the latest articles on top additionally the parameter "sortPageOrder=desc". This is a new feature which allows to sort the posts on a page on (almost) any BibTeX fields. You can even combine fields using "|" as delimiter, such that posts having the same year are sorted by author name.
  • The BibTeX field "abstract" was exported as "bibtexAbstract" in some cases. This caused some tools which use this field to break. Now the abstract is again contained in the field "abstract". Note: in the API XML this field is still named "bibtexAbstract". We will see how we can fix this in the future (though it's not really a bug there).

New features include:

Some of the changes improve working with BibSonomy a lot and we will continue to transfer pages to the new backend. If you have found bugs or suggestions regarding the new pages, please let us know!
We will introduce the new features in more detail with the upcoming features of the week.