Friday, March 27, 2009

FOW: You better save this as publication...

Since Andreas' blog post you already know BibSonomy's scraping service which enables BibSonomy to automatically extract publication meta data from some websites.

For some time past this service also checks whether a user posts a bookmark pointing to a scrapable site, in which case the user is given an according hint:
We now extended this feature such that text, selected by the user prior hitting the 'postBookmark' button, is also checked. Thus, if you select BibTeX and press "postBookmark" or a DOI it might happen, that you get a notice, that you better save this as publication and not as bookmark.

You might try it out yourself right now by selecting one of these text snippets and pressing "postBookmark":
  • 10.1007/978-3-540-73681-3_21
  • ISBN-13: 978-0201485417