However, the most trustworthy backup remains still the one that I have done on my own and the one that is stored on a computer of my choice. To support you in this task, we are happy to present you our brand new backup tool: It is available for download here (check the latest versio of the file
It is written in Java and is based on our API. It basically
- downloads all your Bibtex and bookmark data (or the public data of other users) to your computer
- saves all data in a zip file
- enables to restore the backed-up data from this zip file back into the BibSonomy account.
- unzip the .jar-file contained in the downlodable file (see above)
- if you do not yet have an API-key to access our API, you can obtain one here
- start the application on the command line by typing java -jar bibsonomy-userbackup.jar (Java needs to be installed on your system at this point)
- follow the instructions to back-up or restore your BibSonomy data