Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Feature of the Week: TeXlipse Extension Update

We are happy to announce the release of our TeXlipse Extension version For more information about the extension, please have a look at this Feature of the week or at the help page of the extension.

To update your extension please add the new update site and use the Eclipse update mechanism to install the latest version of the extension. Please note: the update site of TeXlipse ( contains an older version of the plugin. Newer versions of the plugin will only be distributed over the new update site (

What's new in
The new release allows you to configure the API endpoint. Starting with this release, all PUMA users can use the extension with the PUMA installation of their institution. The API url can be obtained by adding /api to the web address of your PUMA system (e.g. the API endpoint of is Furthermore, we have fixed some bugs.

Happy texing and tagging

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Feature of the Week: BibSonomy Plugin for Google Docs

During a project in Web Technologies at the Leibniz University of Hannover we developed a plugin for Google Docs, which connects to BibSonomy to access the user's bookmarked publications and helps inserting them with a single press of a button:

We added a search mechanism to provide a simple way of searching for specific documents in bigger collections. The plugin has an easy-to-use user interface, which is embedded as a sidebar in the Google Docs interface. The login into BibSonomy uses the username and the API-Key of the BibSonomy account to access the bookmarks. After the first login your information is saved into the document, so you have to provide your user information only once.

You can read more about the plugin and get the source code on Bitbucket or you can try it yourself in this example Google Doc.

Happy writing!

Linh Phan and Florian König

Friday, April 17, 2015

BibSonomy TYPO3 Extension Supports TYPO3 Version 6.2 LTS

PUMA/BibSonomy CSL is an extension for the TYPO3 content management system. It renders publication lists and tag clouds, e.g., for personal home pages or project websites. Since it uses publication data directly from PUMA/BibSonomy. They can be selected using tags or user/group names. Thus users are spared the effort of adding publications manually to TYPO3.

The last long term support (LTS) release of TYPO3 was version 4.5, which by now is not longer supported. Therefore, we have updated PUMA/BibSonomy CSL, to work with TYPO3 6.2 (LTS). More information about the release road map of TYPO3 can be found on

PUMA/BibSonomy CSL uses the Citation Style Language (CSL). Thus, users can choose to render their publication lists in any bibliographic style. A huge set of CSL styles is available at

Get an overview of the extension's features:
  • Insert publications from individual users or groups.
  • Use tags to filter publications of a certain topic.
  • Choose your favourite style from a set of citation stylesheets to render a bibliography in your favourite bibliographic style, such as APA, Harvard, Chicago, and many more.
  • Install and manage your own citation stylesheets.
  • Choose a language for your citation style.
  • Insert a tag cloud on your webpage and present your top topics of interest.
  • Offer associated documents as download.
  • Render preview images of these documents.
  • Group your entries by year or publication type.
  • Sort your publication list by title, author, and year.
  • Configure the extension once in TYPO3, and manage your own publications in BibSonomy/PUMA.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

BibSonomy Release 3.2.1

Today, we released version 3.2.1 of BibSonomy, thus fixing a few bugs from 3.2.0. With 3.2.0, we introduced a Russian language version of BibSonomy.

Happy Tagging!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Feature of the Week: BibSonomy for Ruby!

Recently, we have published a BibSonomy client for Ruby that enables easy retrieval of posts with the popular programming language Ruby. The code is published on GitHub but also available as a Gem such that you can install it with a simple gem install bibsonomy. Using the client is as convenient as with the BibSonomy clients for other languages: just instantiate it with your user name and API key and then query BibSonomy:

require 'bibsonomy'
api ='yourusername', 'yourapikey', 'ruby')
posts = api.get_posts_for_user('jaeschke', 'publication', ['myown'], 0, 20)

This requests the first 20 publications of the user "jaeschke" that have the tag "myown". They are returned as ruby objects within a list.

We have also integrated the CSL rendering language such that with the following lines you can easily render posts in any of the thousands of style sheets available for CSL:

require 'bibsonomy/csl'
csl ='yourusername', 'yourapikey')
html = csl.render('jaeschke', ['myown'], 100)
print html

Feel free to contribute to the client by forking it.

Last but not least: If you like Jekyll, you can use it to render publication lists on your homepage directly from BibSonomy. Checkout the Jekyll plugin and the accompanying explanation on how to use it. With the right CSS you get a publication list that looks nice and quite similar to that from DBLP.

Happy programming with Ruby!