Monday, December 24, 2012

Feature of the week: Share new BibSonomy posts on Twitter

A while ago we were asked on Twitter about a Twitter integration for BibSonomy (by the way follow @BibSonomyCrew on Twitter for the latest updates on BibSonomy). Currently we are not supporting direct posting of tweets e. g. when you add a new bookmark to your collection.
But since it is Christmas time and BibSonomyCrew has been nice all year, we got this new feature from the combination of two great third party services (IFTTT and Yahoo! Pipes) without having to implement anything in BibSonomy. And the best part is, it is really easy to set up. So give it a try!

Here we give you a short manual to do that. IFTTT is short for "If This Then That" and is a free service that connects different channels like Facebook, Evernote, Dropbox with each other using so called recipes. We will use it to turn BibSonomy posts into tweets. For those of you already using IFTTT: You only need the RSS feed of your BibSonomy page, this short pipe on Yahoo! Pipes that converts your tags to hashtags and this recipe on IFTTT.

If you are new to this service just follow theses few steps:
  1. Create and activate an IFTTT account at It is free!
  2. Activate your Twitter channel for IFTTT on
    After clicking the activate button you will be redirected to Twitter for authorization of the IFTTT app. (Twitter will ask you for your credentials if you are not logged in).
  3. Find the recipe "BibSonomy > Twitter with HashTags". This is a complete recipe, you will just have to adapt it to use your BibSonomy user name.
  4. Switch the trigger to point to your user page. The trigger is a URL that points to a Yahoo! Pipe with an RSS-Feed of your BibSonomy page as a parameter (we'll explain about the Yahoo! Pipes further below): Right now the linked RSS-Feed is the bookmark feed of the user page of bibsonomyCrew. Substitute bibsonomyCrew for your own BibSonomy user name.
  5. Customize your tweets by modifying the field "Whats happening?". The default tweet to one of your posts will display its title, the corresponding URL (to the post) and its tags. 
  6. Use the Recipe. Just click the big button ;-)
  7. Post a bookmark to BibSonomy. And now you have posted a tweet about your new bookmark or publication:

    IFTTT checks your feed every 15 minutes, thus is can take a short while for your posts to be tweeted. 
  8. Enable a second recipe for your publications. The above procedure will tweet your new bookmarks, as we have specified in the trigger, that it passes the bookmark feed of you user page to the Yahoo! pipe. To use the publication feed go through steps 3 through 6 again. This time replace in the URL in step 4 the user name with your own and the first occurrence of rss by publrss. Thus the URL will now point to the RSS feed of the publications on your user page.
Create your recipe on IFTTT! Creating your own recipes is fairly easy. To get tweets from other BibSonomy resource lists, simply go to the according page and get its RSS feed. Just add /rss for bookmarks or /publrss for publications after the domain. For example the RSS feeds for the page are and Alternatively just copy these links from the menu that you can find on every resource page:

As mentioned above we use a Yahoo! Pipe to turn the BibSonomy tags into twitter hashtags ("tag" to "#tag"). You can use that pipe for other BibSonomy RSS-Feeds by pasting the feed's address to the "BibSonomyFeedUrl" text field and clicking "Run Pipe" to see the results. After the pipe was executed successfully copy the address from the "Get as RSS" link:

Again copy this recipe from our BibSonomy account on IFTTT and change the URL to your RSS feed address (the trigger like described in 4).

Merry tweeting and tagging

P. S. IFTTT has also an channel. If you want to use this service instead of Twitter just use the appropriate channel.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Google+ Community and New Release

We now have  a Google+ Community for BibSonomy to keep you updated about changes and new features. In particular, we will present and discuss planned features in the community. So if you are interested in first-hand updates on what's going on "behind the scenes", just join the community!

And, by the way, today we released a new (intermediate) version of BibSonomy that was mainly thought as a bugfix release but also includes some new interesting features:
  • We removed the </br> from the Chicago and the APA layout
  • We removed user name case sensitivity in some methods in the REST API
  • Changes for the scrapers:
    • OpenUniversity (new)
    • AAAIScraper (new)
    • IEEEXploreBookScraper (fixed)
    • JStorScraper (fixed)
    • MetapressScraper (fixed)
    • NatureScraper (fixed)
    • PubMedScraper (fixed)
    • SpringerLinkScraper (fixed)
    • TaylorAndFrancisScraper (fixed)
  • extended and overhauled batch edit page (you can now normalize your BibTeX keys!)
  • cleaned up publication details page (different citation styles accessible using tabs)
  • removed text area resizer (most browsers now have built-in support for this)
  • fixed publication field completion (annoying bug from upgrading jQuery UI)
  • moved references of community posts into tab (= less cluttered page)
Happy tagging!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Feature of the week: Add publication lists to your WordPress Blog

WordPress is the most popular blog system in use on the web. Now we have established a convenient way to combine BibSonomy with WordPress.

With our new Plugin BibSonomy CSL you can add a list of publications from BibSonomy to your blog posts. You can style your bibliography with CSL Stylesheets (Citation Style Language). For this you can choose from a set of pre-installed styles, or you can choose a custom style from the web. Additional you have a possibility to add your BibSonomy Tag Cloud on your blog.

To install BibSonomy CSL, log into your WordPress installation as an administrator and search in the plugin install menu for BibSonomy CSL.

Install the BibSonomy CSL and BibSonomy Tag Cloud Widget in the install menu. (Alternatively you can download the plugin from, and unzip it and upload it by using a FTP client).

After the installation is complete, you will find in the settings menu the new item BibSonomy CSL. Click it and enter your BibSonomy user name and the BibSonomy API key. Save the settings.

Now you can create a new blog post or a new static page in the usual way. At the bottom you find a new Meta Box called Add BibSonomy Publications.
You can choose between user, group or viewable to select the content from BibSonomy. Detailed information about the scheme you can find at

Ok, let's go through an example: Assume, you wanna publish your own publications in a blog post (and in BibSonomy all own publications are tagged with myown). Choose user as content source type and enter your BibSonomy user name as content type value. Now you have to filter your selection by using the tag myown. For this, enter myown in the input field for tags. If you want to select more than one tag you have to separate them by a space character. Optionally, you can limit the number of publications.

Now you can choose one of the pre-installed citation styles, to layout your publication list. If your desired CSL style isn't contained in the default selection, then you can select a custom style, by entering the url of the stylesheet. The Citation Style Language (CSL) is an open XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations and bibliographies. A large list of free available styles can be found on

To manipulate the look and feel you can customize the CSS. An example is set by default. If you don't like it, simply delete it.

Save your post and take a preview. If it's necessary you can customize your settings or CSS definitions.

Warning: Be aware, that you are using your own account to retrieve the posts from BibSonomy. That means, that all posts, that are visible to you in BibSonomy (you private ones too), will be made visible on your blog, if they fit the description in the Meta Box. (In our example: all posts you have tagged with myown.)

Add a BibSonomy Tag Cloud

Adding a BibSonomy Tag Cloud in your blog is very easy. Switch to the Widget page using the Design menu item. Drag the BibSonomy Tag Cloud Widget to the prefered position, fill out the form, and choose a layout style. 

Save the settings and take a look at the front-end of the blog.

Happy tagging,

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Feature of the Week: Firefox Plug-in

Since we indicated that there would be a bookmarklet buttons version for Firefox it has now come the time to finally introduce it.

Upon installation, three buttons are placed next to your address bar (see screenshot).
Those three buttons represent the actions already familiar to you from the old bookmarklets:
  • to open up your myBibSonomy home page you click the first one 
  • by clicking the next one you can post a bookmark and resp. 
  • by clicking the last one you can post a publication. 
Just like with the Chrome plug-in you can set up shortcuts, thus clicking a button becomes redundant. Just configure your shortcuts in the settings of the add-on. If you are using Firefox occasionally just follow this link to the plug-in at the Mozilla Add-On site and try it for yourself.

Users with browsers other than Chrome and Firefox: We are currently developing similar plug-ins for several other browsers. Next will be a version for Safari.

Happy Tagging (now even faster than ever)

Monday, December 3, 2012

BibSonomy gone?


The provider that is hosting the DNS entry for made an error and added a wrong address to the nameserver. Hence, until tonight, when we detected the error, content from that server was delivered. We now removed the wrong entry and when this change is propagated to your nameserver you should reach BibSonomy again. We are sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy tagging,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Release 2.0.30

BibSonomy turns 30!

Today we released version 2.0.30 of BibSonomy which is the 30th release of BibSonomy since we re-designed the software infrastructure for BibSonomy, building upon industry standards like Spring and iBatis.

This release contains mainly bug fixes (repaired layout of the discussion pages, preview images on user's resource pages available again, attribute removed from CSL layout) and two new scrapers: for the Journal of Neuroscience and for the Development Journal. Furthermore, the author pages now contain publication counts.

Happy Tagging!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Feature of the week: Search with negated tags

We find it would be very useful to be able to exclude posts with certain tags in a search. Now this is supported in BibSonomy via the sys:not system tag.
You can use this tag in the tag search as a prefix for any tag. This causes the system to exclude every post which is tagged with the tag that follows the sys:not operator. 

For example some of my colleagues like to tag publications which they have already read with a tag like “read”.

 In combination with the sys:not system tag, they are now able to find all publications which they haven't tagged as read yet by querying for sys:not:read.

 Hope you'll like this feature and happy tagging!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Feature of the week: Post publications by scanning QR Codes/Barcodes

As some of you might have seen, we have recently introduced a new and useful feature: Scanning QR Codes from publications to add them to one's clipboard - e. g. to quickly compile a sublist of references for a paper. Also, not so long ago, Thomas introduced another new feature: Storing publications (see his blog post) by entering ISBN numbers.
This week, we take this one step further by combining these two features and adding a little spice to the recipe!

Now it is possible to scan documents with embedded Bibsonomy QR
Codes to post the according publications. BibSonomy collects all available data of your document automatically and redirects you to the edit publication page. And the best thing: This does not only work with QR Codes. You can now also also automatically post books by scanning the barcode on their respective back sides.

Here is how it works:

Navigate to the post publication page.

The BibSonomy homepage with the post publication navigation entry.

Click the scan code tab on the tabular navigation of the page to see the new Code Scanner.

After successfully scanning the respective code, BibSonomy will redirect you to the corresponding edit publication site, so that you can check the extracted inputs.

The Bibsonomy edit publication page with the extracted inputs.

We hope to improve your daily workflow on BibSonomy with this new feature. You can now add publications of colleagues to your own collection by simply scanning their printed versions without having to look them up on BibSonomy first.

Happy scanning


Monday, November 5, 2012

Feature of the week: Tag Autocompletion

BibSonomy is able to provide tags for any posted bookmark or publication.
Tags are meta-information that reduce the content or information of a post on relevant keywords. Usually one tag is used several times for different posts. We now added a new feature to easily grab the tags you‘ve used in older posts to describe your new post.

And here is how it works:
First choose the tag icon in the navigationbar. 

Then click into the searchfield and after you typed the first letter the corresponding tags appear in a list below. The more letters you type, the more exact the recommendation gets. Now you can choose the tag that fits your purpose best by using your mouse or arrow keys. After a mouseclick or a return the chosen tag appears in the searchfield.

This feature was added to different spots on the BibSonomy website:
  • the navigationbar
  • the edit tags page
  • the textfield that appears after a click on the pencil icon right next to the tags of a post in the postlist

Happy tagging,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Release 2.0.29

Today we released BibSonomy 2.0.29 which includes some smaller updates that nevertheless might help you a lot:
  • The tag search now supports the "but not" negation, i.e., you can search for posts that have some tags but not some other tags using the system tag sys:not:TAG. For example, you can get all posts that have the tag folksonomy but not the tag bookmarking by searching for folksonomy+sys:not:bookmarking.
  • Firefox and Chrome add-ons now replace the well-known bookmarklets - you can get them from the buttons page.
  • We included tag autocompletion on some places, including the editTags page and at the quick tag editor in post lists.
  • We made the layout using less space on your screen (reload the page with Shift-F5 to see the effect).
  • The QR code scanner is now also available to post publications.
Furthermore, several internal improvements and bug fixes were released, including
  • an updated Spring framework
  • a new method createReferences for our REST API
  • a more sensitive extraction pattern for the COinS scraper
  • improved QR code scanning and rendering
  • HTML/CSS fixes for touch device
We hope that everything runs smoothly, if you experience any problems, please let us know!

Happy Tagging!

Friday, October 26, 2012

What happened to the bug trackers and plugin downloads?

Wednesday was the day we scheduled the October release but we did not release a new version. Why?

On Wednesday morning, our administrator noticed an unusual activity on our development server that hosts the revision control system, bug trackers, file releases, etc. He immediately shut the server down and began to investigate what happened. Unfortunately, someone found an exploitable bug in the FusionForge project management system we are using for developing BibSonomy (and also for many other student projects) and managed to break into the system.

Besides further investigating the damage, we are currently setting up a new server that then hosts all the tools we need for development. However, since the bug in FusionForge has not been fixed, yet, we are not able to make the service available outside our network. Hence, until the bug is fixed or we find another solution, the bug trackers will not be available. For the file releases (e.g., JabRef plugin, TeXlipse plugin, etc.) we will find an intermediate solution that hopefully will be set up during the next week.

We will continue with the release next week and be particularly careful when merging changes in the source code. BibSonomy is not affected by the incident, since it is running on another server in another network. Additionally, your data is secured by geographically distributed live backups.

However, if you had previously created an account on our development server ( and have used the password from there on other services, we highly suggest that you change it immediately on the other services, since we can not exclude the possibility that the attacker had access to the password hashes on our development server.

Sorry for the trouble and back to normal: happy tagging!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Feature of the week: BibSonomy Buttons - Chrome Add-on

Some of you may already know the bookmarklet buttons which you can add to your bookmarks bar to conveniently open up your myBibSonomy page, save bookmarks and publications - all by a single click.

Now recently, by default more recent browsers hide the bookmarks bar or/and don't allow the placement of bookmarklets there. Since the bookmarklets are an important convenience feature for a fast and efficient tagging experience, we've been working on a feature that'll integrate the process of posting to BibSonomy right into your web browser - directly as an Add-on. The first browser to receive such an addon is Google's Chrome.

Upon installation, a BibSonomy button is placed next to your address bar.
And by clicking it four buttons will appear in a menu (see screenshot).

Three of those buttons represent the actions you already know from the old bookmarklets:
  • the first one opens up your myBibSonomy page
  • the next is for posting a bookmark 
  • and the last one for posting a publication.
The fourth button opens a settings menu for the add-on. To further enhance this integration, the extension offers shortcuts - so you even don't have to make a click! Just configure your shortcuts in the settings of the add-on.

If you are a frequent user of Chrome just follow this link to the plugin at the Chrome Web Store and try it for yourself.

Users with any other browser: We are currently developing a similar plugin for several other browser. Next in line is Firefox.

Happy Tagging (now even faster than ever)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Feature of the week: Posting by ISBN

Many people store not only paper publications in BibSonomy, but also entire books. You can either submit all necessary information like authors, publisher, title manually, by submitting a bibtex snippet or by submitting only the ISBN of a publication. In this post, we will shed some light on the latter possibility.

The ISSN (red) and the ISBN (green), as given on the backside of an edition of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (

As you can see in the image above, the ISSN and (as is the case most of the time) the ISBN are usually printed on the backside of a book you might want to store in your publication list. The ISSN is meant mainly for series of publications, e.g. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The ISBN on the contrary is unique for each book or publication. By entering the ISBN in the form provided, BibSonomy will look it up at WorldCat ( and automatically fill in all the provided data, turning posting publications with an ISBN into child's play.

Screenshot of the BibSonomy "Post Publication" page with the ISBN tab opened
After submitting the ISBN, you instantly get all required data for posting your publication in your personal stream:

The inserted data after submitting the ISBN
Now you can proceed as usual and add tags as well as further suitable information that you think is missing.

Happy posting and (of course) tagging!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Feature of the week: Handle "duplicate" publications within groups

As you will surely experience every day, working in teams is common in many fields. The same holds for scientific and research environments; an especially important task in this context is to collaboratively create a shared publication repository, which collects relevant works in your area of interest. Among others, we're currently supporting this setup by our group feature.

Groups within BibSonomy are mainly intended to "collect" each member's resources. A core principle hereby is that each resource can only be changed / edited by its creator. This means that generally, there isn't something like a "group post", but rather a set of individual posts. As a consequence, if more than one group members have a particular publication in their repository, it will appear several times. Consider our KDE group as an example - the URL

yields "duplicate" entries, because several group members own this post:

While this may be desired in some cases, in others it isn't. When creating a publications list from the group repository, it would be cool to be able to "filter out" duplicate entries. As you will know - if it's cool, then we can do it :) the trick is to use the parameter duplicates=no:

As you see, each entry is now contained only once - we basically select the first one of a set of duplicates and display it. Of course a backdraft hereby is that only the tags of the selected person are visible, and not the ones of the others. In order to "aggregate" the tags of all people who have annotated this post, use the parameter duplicates=merged:

Looks pretty similar - BUT now, the tags corresponds to the summarized annotation by all members. With this and our other features, I hope we can make you a bit mor satisfied!

Happy tagging, Dominik

Friday, September 21, 2012

Feature of the week: Bookmark previews

In the meantime, you'll probably know us, the BibSonomy team, a bit - we're scientists, IT enthusiasts - yes call us nerds ;-) which has one consequence when it comes to how we build platforms like BibSonomy: Adding new and cool functionalities really makes us happy (if you've ever built a similar system, I'm sure you know what I mean). Nevertheless, besides the ambition to optimize and develop things "under the hood", from time to time we're trying to make BibSonomy simply more beautiful. Our new layout was a major step hereby, and today's feature of the week is about a new kind of eye candy: Since our last release, you can see bookmark preview thumbnails next to each bookmarked web page:

What we basically do, is the following: Once every hour, we're taking a snapshot of every new publicly bookmarked website - that's what we display on the left next to the bookmark itself. The idea behind it (besides to make BibSonomy more beautiful) is to provide you visual cues for easier navigation: At least some pages have such a distinct layout, that one can recognize them quickly at a glance. This makes it unnecessary to scan all bookmark titles for the desired page.

Of course the thumbnails are quite small - if you hover over one of them, we display a preview for you:

As you can see (and as Folke already said in hist last post), taking snapshots of web pages can be somewhat difficult and dangerous: Web sites may be temporarily down, contain multimedia contents, be malicious, contain explicit contents, and so on. This is the reason why for some bookmarks, only a default image will be displayed. If you encounter anything within our brand new previews which is not supposed to be there, we'd be very happy to hear from you.

In any case have fun with our new bookmark previews, and happy tagging,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Release 2.0.28

Today we deployed BibSonomy's 2.0.28 release. Most notably this release added previews to your bookmarks:
We carefully tested this feature before making it publicly available - but nevertheless problems may occur. So please let us know if you should stumble upon problems or offending content. In any case: Keep on tagging!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Feature of the Week: BibSonomy TeXlipse Plugin

A core functionality of BibSonomy is to serve as a central repository for searching, collecting, organizing and sharing publications. However, our ambition is higher: Our vision is to support you during all phases of the "lifecycle" of a scientific publication - i.e. from its very creation throughout its spread through the communities.

Today's feature of the week focusses on a great tool which supports the writing process - namely the TeXlipse plugin written by Manuel Lutz. TeXlipse - as you will know - is a popular Eclipse plugin which turns your beloved IDE installation to a full-fledged LaTeX paper production environment. Usually, references are hereby stored in a regular .bib file, which contains the papers you plan to cite in your work (using the BibTeX format). This basically means you have a local publication repository, specifically to be used for the current paper. But of course at the same time, you have an online repository in BibSonomy... wouldn't it be great if you could cite the relevant papers "directly" from the online collection?

If I'm asking questions this way, you already know - that's exactly what the TeXlipse plugin does. But step by step: You can simply install the plugin via TeXlipse's update site:

In order to connect you to BibSonomy, simply enter your username and API key into the settings dialogue:

... and check the checkbox "Enable BibSonomy import". Tataa, that's it! When using TeXlipse the next time to cite an article (via the usual auto completion feature), your online entries (2) will appear together with those stored in the local file (3). Entries present in both collection have an own symbol (1):

Isn't that cool? No more copying around .bib files from here to there, no more BibTeX exports from BibSonomy in different paper production phases - just a single online repository, and you're done!! (That's the moment for applause, ladies and gentlemen :) ).

You may say "But in BibSonomy, I got 1000 entries, and for my current paper I only need a subset of those" - no problem, just tag them appropriately, and you can filter the entries displayed by the TeXlipse plugin:

These and further features are also explained on the help page for the plugin. As usual, we're happy about and feedback if you find this as useful as we do - in any case, keep on writing best papers with this great tool :) and of course happy tagging,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Release 2.0.27

Yesterday we deployed BibSonomy's 2.0.27 release. This was mainly a maintenance release with some minor bug fixes and internal code clean up. Nevertheless, we added new JabRef publication export formats.

Happy tagging!

Friday, July 27, 2012


I wrote about the linked discission feature back in April. Now, this feature gets even better and I want to share this wonderful information with you.

First of all, it is no longer required to copy the prefix of the post hash (e.g., "bibtex/" or "url/"). Just use the hash betweent doubled square brackets and you get your pretty result.

Pretty is a good point!

The second feature, you definitely will like, is the newly introduced references list. Each link you create in your post will be appended to the references list at the bottom of your discussion post. It enable a simple and clean overview on your citations as well as an additional easy to use access possibility. Just click on link symbol at the end of each reference to have a look at it.

I hope you enjoy our new feature.

Happy discussing


Feature of the week: Citation Style Language export

During summer, there's typically many other great things to do besides writing publications - eating icecream, go swimming, relax during holidays... but despite that, we keep on giving you interesting little pointers to cool new BibSonomy features. Please don't stop eating ice cream or going to swim :) but keep it in the back of your head, for more productive seasons of the year ;)

This week's feature is the CSL export, which was added with release 2.0.25. CSL stands for Citation Style Language, which Wikipedia describes as an "open XML-based language to describe the formatting of citations and bibliographies". Basically you can think of it as a similar system to BibTeX - it definies a standard for representing bibliographic references, and another one for writing "templates", which transform those references into nicely formatted output. This standard is currently used by a number of platforms, including Zotero, Mendeley and Papers. Probably the nicest thing hereby is that there are quite large style repositories like, which offer more than 2000 pre-defined styles for different user needs.

In order to allow you to make use of such great style collections, we're offering a new export format - you can retrieve you posts in a JSON-format, which is understood by current CSL processors. In other words, we're providing the input for you, such that you can just choose one of the existing CSL styles (or create a custom one) and create nicely formatted references according to your needs.

All you have to do is to append ?format=csl to any BibSonomy URL, and you'll see your post(s) in the corresponding format -  below is an example, produced by the URL You'll surely recognize that it's a similar key-value representation compared to e.g. BibTeX. We hope this makes BibSonomy more versatile and useful for you particular purposes!

Happy Tagging,

    "603161eb4c5b2f87f3d3a50f87015337dbenz": {
        "DOI": "",
        "ISBN": "",
        "URL": "",
        "abstract": "",
        "author": [
                "family": "Strohmaier",
                "given": "Markus"
                "family": "Helic",
                "given": "Denis"
                "family": "Benz",
                "given": "Dominik"
                "family": "Körner",
                "given": "Christian"
                "family": "Kern",
                "given": "Roman"
        "citation-label": "strohmaier2011evaluation",
        "collection-title": "",
        "container-title": "",
        "editor": [ ],
        "event-place": "",
        "id": "603161eb4c5b2f87f3d3a50f87015337dbenz",
        "issued": {
            "date-parts": [ ],
            "literal": "2012"
        "note": "",
        "page": "",
        "publisher": "",
        "title": "Evaluation of Folksonomy Induction Algorithms",
        "volume": ""


Monday, July 16, 2012

Feature of the week: Entry Type Pictograms

In BibSonomy's post lists, each publication is represented as a box with the most important meta-information about it. Listed are the title, authors or editors, the venue (journal or book title) the year. For quite a while now, this list also includes the publication's entry type.

Other than title and authors, the entry type is displayed as a pictogram to the left of the post. In a previous blog post, we've already discussed the file upload options in BibSonomy. The entry-type pictograms are displayed, unless there is a thumbnail of a document attached to that post, that is visible to you.

To each of the 20 different supported entry types here are the according images:

The entry type of a publication has to be stated during the creation of a post. Often this is done for you when you use your post-publication button. If you enter a publication manually, you'll have to select it from a list in the post-publication dialogue. To learn more about the supported entry types of publications read our corresponding blog post or have a look at BibSonomy's home page to see which types have been uploaded recently.

Happy tagging